Literacies for Life and Career Teaching Innovation Grant

As part of Literacies for Life and Career, a signature initiative within the A&S Strategic Plan, the College of Arts & Sciences is seeking a cohort of faculty early adopters to pilot pedagogical strategies that integrate a literacy-based approach into a selection of their 2024-2025 undergraduate courses. Early adopters will contribute to shaping the initiative's framework by engaging with the literacies through their course content, assignments, and reflective work. Participants will become familiar with evidence-based teaching practices through a series of workshops that will explore creative ways to help students understand, articulate, and reflect on the value and breadth of liberal arts & sciences education. Participation includes cross-disciplinary discussions about implementation experiences and about teaching and learning in a faculty learning community.

For questions, contact Michelle DeLair.

Personal Information
Personal Information
Personal Statement
Please describe your interest in integrating a literacies-based approach or how this initiative resonates with your teaching; your interest in pedagogical development and participation in faculty learning communities; how the initiative supports your professional development goals. (500 words or fewer)