Undergraduate Reinstatement

To return from a regular leave of absence, please submit this form at least six weeks prior to the start of the semester. Reinstatement from Medical Leave of Absence must be requested through WashU Cares. Once you have completed the necessary paperwork for WashU Cares, please complete this form below.

To successfully submit this form:

  1. Submit files using the blue button in that section.
  2. Submit the form using the red button at the bottom of this form.
Personal Information
If your permanent home address has changed since you left the university please enter your new address below.
Details on Return
Supporting Documentation

Please provide a document with a brief description of your reasons for leaving Washington University. Include a list of your activities, employment, studies, and service since you left the University, and an explanation of how your time away has enhanced your readiness to return. Conclude by explaining why you wish to return to Washington University at this time and include a detailed plan of how you will complete your remaining degree requirements.

If you have been enrolled in college work while away from Washington University, you must request that an official transcript be sent directly to the dean’s office from each institution you have attended. These transcripts will strongly affect your reinstatement. It is your responsibility to ensure that they are received. Reinstatement may be rescinded if these forms are not received. Non-WashU college courses may transfer as elective credit, assuming a grade of C or better. Upon departmental approval, relevant courses may also count toward the major. They may not satisfy general degree requirements in Arts & Sciences.

Please note: We are committed to fostering a culture of respect, fairness, safety, and equity within our community. Your submission will be treated with great care and discretion while we balance compliance and support offerings that align to create a positive learning environment.

Mandated ReportingMembers of the WashU Community may be required to forward reports of discrimination or harassment, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking or other forms of misconduct that violate the University’s Discrimination and Harassment Policy with the Gender Equity and Title IX Compliance Office or the Office of Institutional Equity. In such cases, staff members from those offices may contact students to discuss the report, provide additional resources, and outline potential options for the students that they may wish to pursue. The Office of Institutional Equity and Gender Equity and Title IX Compliance Office webpages offer more information on reporting, confidentiality, and support resources.

Additional Reporting: To ensure essential support offerings are provided, your submission may be shared with campus partners to offer additional resources and response to needs. These offices may include, but are not limited to, WashU Cares, WUPD, Habif, Counseling and Psychological Services, Residence Life, Athletics, or Overseas Programs.

If you have difficulty, please email the document to college@wustl.edu. Make sure to include your name and Student ID in the email.

Please upload supporting documentation below. Enter your full name in the File description field and click the blue submit button to upload the files.

To successfully submit this form:

  1. Be sure you have submitted files using the blue button in the section above.
  2. Next, sign and submit the form using the red button below.